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How To Deduct Education Expenses

2 min read

2 min read

Education expenses and self-employment

If you’re self-employed, you can deduct the cost of education for your trade or business on Schedule C. You must be able to prove that the course:

  • Maintains or improves skills you need in your trade or business
  • Is required by law or regulation for keeping your license to practice in your trade or profession

You can’t deduct education expenses you incur:

  • To meet the minimum requirements of your present trade or business
  • That qualify you for a new trade or business

This is true even if the education maintains or improves skills currently required in your business.

Allowable expenses

You can deduct:

  • Tuition, books, and fees
  • Equipment and other expenses associated with obtaining the education — Ex: You can deduct research and typing expenses you incur while writing a paper for a class.
  • Transportation expenses — You can deduct the cost of travel between your workplace and the school. If you return to work after class, you can deduct round-trip expenses. You can also deduct public transportation costs.

You can’t deduct:

  • Travel as a form of education — Ex: A Spanish teacher who takes a trip to Spain to improve her knowledge of the Spanish language can’t deduct her travel expenses.
  • Dollar value of vacation time or annual leave you took to attend classes

Many deductible job-related education expenses might qualify for other education credits or deductions. These include:

  • An education credit
  • Employee-business expense deduction

Look at the tax savings of each method to maximize the benefit on your return.

To learn more about education expenses, see these at

  • Publication 970: Tax Benefits for Higher Education
  • Publication 463: Travel, Entertainment, and Gift Expenses
  • Publication 535: Business Expenses

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