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My child paid his own tuition last year so I didn’t report Form 1098-T: Tuition Statement on my return. However, I claimed him as a dependent. Does this prevent him from claiming education credit on his return?

1 min read

1 min read

Yes, since you claimed your child as a dependent. You need to amend your return if you want your child to claim the education credit.

These are the options for you and your child:

  • If you claim him as a dependent, you can claim the education credit even if he paid the education expenses.
  • He can claim the education credit on his return if both of these apply:
    • Your son qualifies as your dependent.
    • You don’t claim him as a dependent.

However, since he qualifies as your dependent, he can’t claim a personal exemption on his return.

  • If your child doesn’t qualify as your dependent, you can’t claim him. So, he can claim the personal exemption and the education credit on his return.
  • You can claim the education credit on your return for the tuition he paid if both of these apply:
    • Your son qualifies as your dependent.
    • You claim him as your dependent.

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