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A food bank, a food truck and tax office associates partner to feed the hungry

2 min read

2 min read

October 12, 2017

H&R Block

As food trucks continue to grow in popularity, a special group out of Manteca, California have found an interesting way to use that popularity to help others.

Second Harvest, a nonprofit organization, has launched a mobile food truck with a unique twist. Mobile Fresh is a food truck that operates like a pop-up business, showing up in various locations for just two hours at a time and handing out fresh produce, milk, cereal and other food items to those that may not otherwise be able to afford it. But, just like many nonprofits, in order for Mobile Fresh to keep up with demand they must rely on volunteers.

That is where Sara Riddle stepped in.

Back in 2016, Riddle and the Manteca-area H&R Block offices she manages first partnered with Second Harvest. At that time, her team also decided it wanted to help others by assisting the nonprofit’s goal to feed 200 families over the Thanksgiving holiday.

But the giving did not stop there.

In September, Riddle and a team of nearly 20 H&R Block associates and their family members decided to do even more for the community in Lodi, California. Pairing up with the Mobile Fresh food truck once again, associates gave their time to hand out produce and food to those in need.

“What an honor to be able to serve our community with the support that is needed,” said Riddle. “Being a part of the community, understanding needs and partnering solutions is something we do every day. Sometimes those in need do not come to us, so it is awesome that we can go to them.”

The giving continues as Riddle and dozens of others plan to hit the streets again on Friday, October 13 in neighboring Modesto, California. Riddle will join forces with colleague Sohrab Bashiri, to give to those in need.

“Providing those in the community with fresh fruits and vegetables is another way to build a strong future with both health and financial wellness,” said Riddle.

Additional coverage from ABC10 in Sacramento, California: Trendy “pop up’s” turn idea into one to feed the homeless in Lodi

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