How Do I Know Which Tax Forms Are Final and Ready for Filing and Which Forms Aren’t Ready?
When you’re ready to file your taxes, you’ll want to know which tax forms are final and which forms are still being finalized. To find out if a particular tax form is final:
- For federal form info, go to Federal Form Updates for Tax Preparation Software.
- For state form info, go to State Form Updates for Tax Preparation Software and choose your state from the drop-down.
Additional Info About Finalized Tax Forms
You can also check your forms from within your H&R Block Tax Software. To check if forms are final through the software:
- Open your return in the H&R Block Tax Software.
- On the toolbar, click the Forms button to open Forms Central.
- The forms you’re currently using will be listed, with the availability of the form in the Status column.
For more state form information:
- Go to the H&R Block Tax Software Update Center.
- Under State Updates, click the Forms Available link for state form information.
The form will have a green check if it’s finalized in the most current update.
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